Teresa F. Morgan’s Dream Date

I spend a lot of time daydreaming, so I thought I’d invite some others along to daydream with me! Today, Teresa F. Morgan, author of Plus One is a Lucky Number, is on my blog to tell us all about her dream day.

 About Teresa

I live in sunny Weston-super-Mare, trying to hold onto my Surrey accent where I was born and bred.

For years I persevered with boring jobs, until my two boys joined my nest. In an attempt to find something to work around them, and to ensure I never endured full time boredom again, I found writing.

I’m at my happiest baking cakes, putting proper home cooked dinners on the table (whether the kids eat them or not), reading a good romance, or sitting at my PC emptying my thoughts onto the screen.

I love writing contemporary romance, stories with a touch of escapism and creating heroes readers will fall in love with. Men who in reality, let’s face it, just don’t exist.


About Plus One is a Lucky Number

The wedding favour…

Sophie’s going to a wedding where the invite is strictly plus one… but with her single girl status not exactly fitting in with the bridesmaid dress code, and the best man being none other than the ex she would rather forget, Sophie needs a favour and she needs it fast!

Luckily for Sophie, her dreamy but distant co-worker Adam Reid owes their mutual friend James big time…and his gorgeousness more than fills the role of the ‘Perfect Boyfriend’!

As they take off to the sunny shores of Cornwall for the wedding weekend, it’s not long before pretence leads to passion and Sophie and Adam must decide; is their relationship real or is it all for show?


Morning! It’s time for your perfect day. You don’t want to be late so you spring out of bed to get ready. You put on your favourite outfit, which is:

 Skinny black jeans and a nice matching top, and my brown leather, comfy knee-length boots (as it’s only Spring, and not that warm yet).

 Ah – that was the doorbell! Your dream date has arrived to pick you up for your day out. Who is it?

 Currently I am torn between Tom Hiddleston and Henry Cavill. I know Tom can dance, so we would have a great night out dancing. But Henry is so yummy too. You know, I wouldn’t care as long as long as it was either of them.


 Lovely! So, Tom or Henry asks where you’d like to go for your perfect day out. Your answer is:

 Oh, gosh, sort of answered that above. Well, if Tom turns up, we can go dancing somewhere, learn Salsa or something. If it’s Henry, then wandering a nice city (Bath as I haven’t been there in ages, and as I don’t have a passport – must get that sorted), hand in hand…

No problem! You’re on your way to your dream destination and check that you’ve got all your essentials in your handbag. These are:

 Phone, purse, lipstick, my Bare Minerals foundation (as I may need to top up if out all day), flip flops in case I go dancing and my feet get sore, tissues, hand cream, hair brush and a nail file, possibly even spare contact lenses, or my sunglasses… (I’m so indecisive!)

 Oh, I’m indecisive too – sounds perfect! As well as your essentials, you’ve just found a wad of money that you’d forgotten about in your bag! You decide to spend it on:

 Another outfit, because if Tom or Henry change their mind about where they are taking me, I might not be suitable dressed… Yes, thinking about it actually, I’d buy a new dress for the evening 😉

All this perfect day stuff works up an appetite! Dream Date asks what you’d like for dinner. Home cooked or restaurant? Cocktail or wine?

If it’s a first date, definitely a restaurant, an Italian… I love pasta (but I always avoid spaghetti bolognaise for fear of getting messy). Cocktail or wine!? Can I not have Champagne?

Of course you can – goes without saying! 

When the date comes to an end, Dream Date gives you a gift to remember him by. It’s your perfect gift:

I really, really, really would love a pair of diamond earrings… and Tom or Henry could afford a pair of those. Otherwise, a bottle of perfume, so every time I wore it, the scent would remind me of them.

Great dream date decisions, Teresa! Come back for another dream date anytime you like!

If you’d like to get to know about Teresa or read Plus One is a Lucky Number, check out the links below:

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